Crypto licensed structures

Securely manage your digital assets with our comprehensive crypto services.

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Crypto licensed structures

Some activities are regulated by local financial regulators. Examples of these are:

Setting up a crypto exchange platform; Setting up a company that can provide wallets for clients.

In this case, the incorporation is not really done differently. However, a license must be requested from the financial regulators before any activities can be performed. Firm EU can assist with requesting these licenses and setting up the relevant structure.

Contact us today if you would like to perform crypto licensed activities.

The numbers

Partnership for Mutual Growth

At FirmEU, we believe that true success lies in building strong, collaborative partnerships with our clients, and working together towards growth and prosperity.

Total company formations


Worlwide partners


Total Jurisdictions




Step 1

We listen to your needs and goals, and work with you to develop a tailored and suitable plan for your business.

Step 2

We handle the paperwork, legal requirements, and logistics to ensure your business operates seamlessly.

Step 3

We provide ongoing accounting, tax compliance, and recruitment services to ensure your business runs smoothly.

Step 4

We identify opportunities for expansion and provide the necessary support to help your business reach its full potential.

Any questions?

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